JD Vance Says J6ers Who Committed Violence Shouldn’t Be Pardoned

Of course, what level of violence? How many who did way worse during the 2020 and on BLM riots and were never prosecuted? Heck, most who were picked up by the police were simply let go

Vance says those who ‘committed violence’ on Jan. 6 ‘obviously’ shouldn’t be pardoned

Vice President-elect JD Vance said people who “committed violence” on Jan. 6, 2021, “obviously” shouldn’t be pardoned by President-elect Trump.

“I think it’s very simple, look, if you protested peacefully on Jan. 6, and you had Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice treat you like a gang member, you should be pardoned,” Vance said during an interview on “Fox News Sunday.”

“If you committed violence on that day, obviously you shouldn’t be pardoned,” he continued. “And there’s a little bit of a gray area there.”

Vance said he and Trump are “very much committed” to the equal administration of law. He added that they believe there were people who were “prosecuted unfairly.”

“We need to rectify that,” Vance said.

Agree? Don’t agree? I’m on the fence, since the DOJ really hasn’t bothered that much in going after Democrat voters who commit violence against federal property? How about the ones who firebombed the Portland federal justice center while employees were in it, which would be felony arson and attempted murder? Employees were physically attacked outside the building. Yet, unless you do a super dig all you’ll find are articles from 2020 and 2021 about how few were arrested and how few were being prosecuted, nothing about actually going to jail. Why were J6ers treated differently, especially since none of their crimes were as serious.

Maybe commute the sentences of those who got violent and leave them with the mark on their record, while completely pardoning those who just wandered around and were peaceful, which is most?

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6 Responses to “JD Vance Says J6ers Who Committed Violence Shouldn’t Be Pardoned”

  1. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Trump was president during the BLM/George Floyd protests.

    PORTLAND, Ore.—A Southern California man pleaded guilty today (August 19, 2021) for attempting to set fire to the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse during a protest in Downtown Portland on July 13, 2020.

    Kevin Benjamin Weier, 35, of Vista, California, waived indictment and pleaded guilty to one count of depredation of government property.

    According to court documents, on July 13, 2020, Weier was present at a protest outside the Hatfield Federal Courthouse in Portland. During the protest, Weier placed a burning piece of wood against the building.

    On August 10, 2021, Weier was charged by criminal information with one count of depredation of government property.

    Depredation of government property is punishable by up to 10 years in prison, a $250,000 fine, and three years’ supervised release. Weier will be sentenced on November 15, 2021 before U.S. District Court Judge Karin J. Immergut.

    So the attack occurred under president Trump, but the attacker was charged under Presient Biden.

    To check on prison time for George Floyd protesters charged by the feds, visit https://rpubs.com/x387185/s2020

    Mr Weier did NOT serve time in prison, receiving 2 years probation. Hundreds were charged by the feds and 80% were found guilty or pleaded guilty. Dozens were sentenced from 12 to 180 months in federal prsion.

    Black “protester” David Elmakayes, 26, of Philadelphia, PA, was sentenced to 15 years for using an explosive device to damage an ATM machine on June 3 2020.

    Will president Trump pardon these protesters? Should he?

  2. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Like President Biden, president-to-be Trump has conflicts of interest when it comes to pardons, but our Constitution is the Constitution. So President Biden could pardon his son, just as Trump will be able to pardon supporters who tried to violently overturn Biden’s election.

    Both of them degrade the process. Donnie the Immune could even pardon political assassins!! Would Trump pardon a crazed devotee who murders those on Trump’s enemies list? Of course he can.

  3. Jl says:

    Out of the thousands protesters nationwide contributing to the several billion in damages from the Floyd riots, the AP found that a grand total of 120 pleaded guilty or were convicted. In Portland, 60 out of 100 cases were dismissed

  4. Dan says:

    Define “violence”. Just walking around inside the Capital doesn’t meet the standard…and that is what the vast majority of protesters in prison did…just WALK AROUND.

  5. Doom and Gloom says:

    Dowd Kevin Benjamin Weier , a California man in his mid-30’s, tried to set fire to a federal courthouse in Portland , during the canonization of Saint George Floyd three years ago .

    After Weier pleaded guilty, Joe Biden’ DOJ issued a press release about the many years in jail that this domestic terrorist was facing.

    However, Weier received a sentence of two years ’ probation instead, and indeed, Kevin Weier never served a day in prison.

    Under Trump he probably would have recieved 2 years probation since the Activist DOJ is so infiltrated by Wokism brought to us by the Communist Chinese.

    Remember, the riots were spurred by the BLM movement, and WOKE is claimed by BLM. I have a black son in law who constantly reminds me of how evil I am for using the term WOKE. Hell, he got pissed at me because I asked him what he was doing with his hair. He used to sport a shaved head and then started growing out his hair…I guess, somehow, it was culturally taboo to ask a black man about his hair.

    Upon this, I offered him a flight to Africa, where he kept telling me he was going to go when China took over the USA. A retired military man, he tells me he will help them end the USA. I offered, sincerely, I might add, to move him to the African country of his choice because his $200,000 a-year job with Microsoft was such a burden for a black man to handle.

    Why is he so upset with Microsoft? Because other employees asked him what he was doing with his HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! WOKISM DRIVES HIS LIFE, much like it drives the radicals of the left and is now worming its way into the fabric of our government.

    Under Trump’s DOJ this man might have been given a pension and a hero’s parade just to show Trump to stay in the White House till his term is up.

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