Funny how a city being overrun with illegals and fake asylum seekers who are criminals can change people’s minds away from bad policies
A pair of Chicago aldermen have introduced legislation that would roll back the city’s sanctuary law currently forbidding any cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities, but their efforts face stiff odds in a city council dominated by liberal members.
Raymond Lopez and Silvana Tabares, both Democrats, filed a proposed amendment to Chicago’s Welcoming City Ordinance, which calls for exceptions when a migrant has been arrested or convicted of certain criminal activities. The aldermen argued in a public statement that it’s in the best interest of the city’s immigrant community to work with the incoming Trump administration in situations where wanted illegal migrants are involved in heinous crimes.
“We believe that the best way to protect law-abiding non-citizens from the returning Trump Administration is by working with them in apprehending their priority targets: non-citizens that CHOOSE to engage in dangerous, illegal activity once they are in the United States,” Lopez said in a public statement. “Our current [Welcoming City Ordinance] prohibits any coordination or cooperation, even in the most heinous situations.”
“This policy is dangerous to those law-abiding undocumented and non-citizens residents because, if someone is arrested or convicted of crimes, the federal authorities aren’t notified,” he continued. “Should the federal government go looking for those specific individuals seeking to deport them, there is a high probability that other targets, law-abiding undocumented and non-citizen residents, may be apprehended and deported as collateral damage. That is an entirely unacceptable yet avoidable situation.”
It has always been amazing that Democrats have gone so in on illegal immigration that they will protect those that commit crimes, include heinous felonies like murder, rape, sexual assault, including on children. What drives them that far? It’s just hard to understand. I can understand why they would want non-criminal illegals. I don’t like it, but, I can at least understand it. But, a huge chunk that support criminals? Boggles the mind.

So, Governor Greg Abbott’s diabolical plan to ship the illegals off to ‘Sanctuary’ cities is paying off!
The left didn’t care about illegals committing crimes in Texas, but in their own back yards? That’s different, don’t you know?