The moment you add “justice” into the mix you know this is a political issue, not a pure science one
Top UN court to hold climate justice hearings in December
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) said it would start the hearings on December 2, as it weighs a so-called advisory opinion on global climate change.
In March 2023, the UN asked the ICJ to clarify “legal consequences” for states that “have caused significant harm to the climate system and other parts of the environment”.
It specifically asks the court to weigh obligations to “small island developing States”, which are “particularly vulnerable” to climate change, as well as obligations to future generations.
Vanuatu, a small archipelago whose future is threatened by rising sea levels, had been pushing for this resolution for years.
Although ICJ opinions are not binding, they carry significant legal and moral weight, and are often taken into account by national courts.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Perhaps they’ll rule on all the Elitists using vast amounts of fossil fuels to travel around while yammering about restricting the lives of the peasants? Perhaps the ICJ will take note of the 30,000+ who will have just traveled to and from Azerbaijan for the Conference on the Parties, Mon, Nov 11, 2024 – Fri, Nov 22, 2024. Pretty much everyone will have to take fossil fueled flights to the nation, which is highly dependent economically on fossil fuels exports, “which accounted for roughly 47.8% of the country’s GDP and over 92.5 % of export revenue in 2022.”
As far as Vanuatu goes, can we mention the 30 airports? And that 20% of their economy is agricultural exports, which would move on fossil fueled ships and planes?

Vanuatu Has been known for years. Their sea level is not rising, their islands are sinking. It is no one’s fault, it’s just how the normal shifting of the ground. But wouldn’t that be great (for them) to convince some large wealthy country to make them all rich?
Now, the definition of “climate justice” is…what?
CNN’s Rampell Destroys Kamala Harris’ economic agenda: ‘We’ve seen this kind of thing tried in… Venezuela, Argentina, the Soviet Union’ VIDEO
Good NEWS:
Sweden sends Ukraine over a billion dollars in aid, equivalent to 25 percent of their annual expenditures on their military. Sweden is now a NATO member.
MORE GOOD NEWS: The three Baltic states, which are NATO members, are planning to send troops to fight alongside Ukraine.
What will the response be from Russia, given NATO member states are actively fighting his troops in a war he started?
Enquiring minds want to know.
More importantly what will be Kamala Harris’s response? I’m betting on more Transgender bathrooms for Ukrainians and revolving doors at the border.
and price controls until she realizes that the powers that put her in office own those huge corporations and will bitch slap her into next week if she does not toe the line….I hope she is a billionaire who can fund 100’s of millions of dollars in legal fees if she dares step out of line.