SCC Not Expecting Large Numbers Of Illegals For DNC Or Something

It’s probably a bad idea for the Sanctuary City Of Chicago to say this and bait Texas governor Greg Abbot to follow through on his promise to send them

Chicago no longer expecting huge influx of migrants ahead of Democratic convention

The city’s Deputy Mayor of Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights on Tuesday said officials are no longer expecting bus loads of migrants from the southern border ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

“We are not expecting 25,000 migrants or any other very large influx of migrants. The governor has certainly threatened to do that, and to send people here. There’s lots of speculation and concern about it,” Beatriz Ponce de Leon said on WGN Radio’s The Lisa Dent Show, referring to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

Abbott at the Republican National Convention told attendees the bussing of people who crossed the southern border to other cities would continue “until we finally secure our border.”

Ponce de Leon called Abbott’s comments a “political stunt.”

See, it’s a political stunt when a declared sanctuary city has to actually deal with illegals/migrants. Her reason, of you listen to that radio bit (7 minutes long), is that there are not as many illegals crossing the border. She’s whistling past the graveyard, because there are still more than enough, plus many more in Texas, for Abbott to send a bunch of buses, dropping them off near the DNC building. Even if it’s just a couple hundred to a thousand, think of the optics of the buses rolling up.

As of Monday, Chicago has welcomed 45,881 migrants aboard nearly 950 buses to the city since August 2022. There were 5,567 people in 17 active shelters run by the city and state on Monday, according to a statement from the city.

So, welcomed and then booted them out of the city? Huh.

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One Response to “SCC Not Expecting Large Numbers Of Illegals For DNC Or Something”

  1. Dana says:

    The real problem? That Chicago even has a “Deputy Mayor of Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights”!

    Most Americans want and support a system of reasonable immigration, immigration of vetted people with some skills and a decent chance of being able to support themselves in the United States. Most Americans want and support an inflow of immigrants at rates which do not overburden or overwhelm local communities.

    President Trump had gotten our illegal immigration flow down not to zero — and zero must always be the goal — but to a not-to-bad rate. His ‘the door is closed’ attitude, and policy of requiring asylum seekers to wait in Mexico greatly reduced the incentive for illegal immigration. The dummkopf from Delaware completely changed that, and his policies conveyed a ‘the door is open’ attitude. Putting Willie Brown’s former mistress as the border tsarina further conveyed the perception that the door was wide, wide open, and illegal immigration once again became chaotic. That’s why Governor Abbott instituted his policies: he couldn’t stop the chaos, but he could export some of it to places which deserved it!

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