No, no, this totally has nothing to do with Modern Socialism as driven by the Elites
Club of Rome co-president: In order "to reach as many [UN Agenda 2030] Sustainable Development Goals" as possible, a "Giant Leap" is necessary, which—among other things—includes "transforming the food system" and "transitioning to clean energy".
"We see a switch to healthier,…
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) August 2, 2024
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Club of Rome co-president: In order “to reach as many [UN Agenda 2030] Sustainable Development Goals” as possible, a “Giant Leap” is necessary, which—among other things—includes “transforming the food system” and “transitioning to clean energy”.
“We see a switch to healthier, plant-based diets… We half carbon dioxide emissions every decade to reach Net Zero by 2050. The economic model everywhere is circular… Material consumption of unsustainable resources is reined in, fossil energy phased out, and we see a significant redistribution of wealth… We introduce a universal basic dividend, operating like a universal basic income.”
“We know the Giant Leap will be disruptive—we’re talking about a complete shake-up… It will create shocks.”
It kind of echoes Mao Zedong’s ‘Great Leap Forward’—which killed up to 55 million people, in arguably the worst famine in human history—doesn’t it?
Who wants to bet none of the people at the conference are eating plant based diets, including at the conference? If the Elites control your food the control you. How many took trips in fossil fueled private jets and limos/big SUVs? How many are redistributing their own money? Does this look like it’s about science to you, or elitist driven authoritarianism?
Sorry for short post, probably be same tomorrow, kinda slammed my left ring finger in 45s doing lying down pec flys, very sore. Hopefully not broken in any way. Pain is dull, more like a sprain, where breaks tend to ramp up. Nice and black and blue. Too bad not right hand, since I don’t use the ring finger as much for typing on that hand, plus, can’t play guitar no.

Great ideas. Pay for them yourself.
[…] And, if we’re wondering how the Marxists envision our future […]
We should all hope the “Deniers” are right, but continue to study.
I’d bet on the “deniers.” They’re batting 1.000 whereas the panic morons are at zero since at least 1968. For some reason, people still pay Paul Ehrlich to write and speak instead of sweep out trailers and haul trash.
Deniers have whiffed on global warming. As CO2 has increased, so have the temperature.
You get everything so backwards I wouldn’t trust you to sit the right way on a toilet seat.
Strong rebuttal. I need to reevaluate my life! Thanks.
A “giant leap” is necessary? How so?
Next time they meet next year, President Trump should send in an expeditionary force to kill or capture these insane trouble causers, and let the rest of the clowns at the UN and WEF take careful note.
That’s what Hitler would do!
He also made national highways and wore shoes. What’s your fucking point?
You believe murdering millions is at the same level as highways and shoes?
What is YOUR fucking point? That you’re a violent animal.
Can you tell us more about your proposed Expeditionary Force Trump of Unliked Peoples (EFT-UP) that would assassinate those who recommend actions that you don’t like?
But you may be right. Putin or Kim are better exemplars for Trump’s (and your) deep, deep sickness. Both Putin and Kim send assassins around the globe to murder Unliked Peoples.
Second early 8:00 hour spittle-flacking angry posting by our sage from St Louis. Was the milk for his Lucky Charms sour this morning? Did he dream about going to the bathroom and accidentally wet the bed? It sure seems as though something got his dander up this morning!
You know quite well what Brother John’s trying to say. His point is that there’s a lot of things that Hitler did that perfectly good people did too like Washington, Trump and Biden.
Why are you including trump in your craziness? I think you tend to get a little carried away, frequently. Do you ever stop and read the silly crap you type?
You make it really difficult to take you seriously.
A commenter typed: Next time they (Club of Rome) meet next year, President Trump should send in an expeditionary force to kill or capture these insane trouble causers, and let the rest of the clowns at the UN and WEF take careful note.
How should an American respond to a MAGAt suggesting that Trump send an expeditionary force to assassinate those with whom they disagree? What a message that would send to the WEF and UN!
I apologize for the comparison of BroJo to Hitler, even remotely; BroJo’s proposal is more Putin-like. But it was BroJo who suggested that President Trump send an United States assassination team to kill the Club of Rome members.
Mr Dana must have started re-taking his testosterone injections! You go boy! Anyway, when a MAGAt makes an outrageous suggestion (US Murder Squads!!) it behooves us to push back.
CarolAnn: Do you agree with BroJo that a newly elected Trump should send an United States assassination team to murder the Club of Rome group? As an official act, President Trump would have complete immunity in the US although the international community would frown.
Since neither Bill Teach nor his commenters ever criticize one of their own for proposing murder as a final solution to solve “problems”, someone should.
The Lucky Charm afficionado from Lexington must not be aware of the horrid consistency and texture of the so-called marshmallow bits in Lucky Charms. Yuck.
Actually I figure if Hitler were around when global warming and all that stuff started he would probably have jumped on the bandwagon just because he can control more people. I’m sure as a vegetarian and a proponent of disarming people it would have been a big believer in this global warming nonsense.
Just look at all the laws and rules and regulations freedom loving democracies are willing to place on their people and the name of this cult imagine what a fascist dictator like Hitler would do!
Yeah, I think Hitler would have been a big proponent of the climate cult.
Actually, Hitler WAS around when global warming and all that stuff started and even added to it!! Recall the high mean global surface temperatures during WWII?
Long, long ago, the old American conservative movement would march and scream-chant, “Jews won’t replace us!. When Mr Trump stole the 2016 election he insisted that his followers not call for the extermination of Jews or something.
Yeah, I think Hitler and the MAGAts would have been big proponents of the Holocaust.
No, yet again you are wrong. WWII had the coldest of winters. Snow and ice were at record levels. Why don’t you read?
Data is not the plural of anecdote. The global mean surface temperature spiked for the years of WWII. Yes, the winters were still cold.
Why don’t YOU tell us what shit you read?
The mean of the mean global temperature 1940-1945 was higher than the 20 post war years.
Ironically, the post war expansion of economies and the emissions of aerosols likely contributed to the post world war cooling!
Warming during the war, some cooling after the war…
Well obviously Hitler was a proponent the Holocaust he started it. If by your reckoning Hitler was around on global warming and all that stuff started no possible none of it was mentioned at the time. We had bigger problems.
And that old American conservative movement that you accuse of marching in the streets and screaming “the Jews won’t replace us” we’re actually not the conservative movement but American socialists and labor unions who were afraid the Jews were gonna take their jobs. Labor unions notoriously being Democrat even back then. You really gotta stop trying to switch the blame for all of your sins onto somebody else. You’re very poor at rewriting history. Besides now is what counts not what happened 100 years ago. We just like to see you get this right which you don’t seem to be able to do.
Also in case you haven’t noticed there’s no reason to believe “MAGats” would be proponents of Holocaust. Most of us are Christians and therefore would be against the Holocaust just like we’re against all the slicing and dicing that you guys do among people judging them by race color religion education and every other thing that you can separate people by. We don’t do that that’s your team that does that. As far as we’re concerned we’re all Americans you’ll never meet a conservative that call somebody an African American or Hispanic American or LatinX. We just don’t slice and dice people like that we leave that up to you guys that’s why everybody now starting to realize you’re the real racists and you always have been.
By the way trump didn’t steal the 2016 election you’re just mad because he didn’t let you steal it. But you refined your tricks by 2020 and managed to steal that one. You planning on stealing this one too? We figure you should be printing ballots en mass right now. Sadly you can’t get a real head start because you don’t know who’s the total ballot yet.