Humorless Scolds Not Amused By The “Drinking A Beer For Brett” Meme

Of course these scolds are on MSNBC

(Daily Caller)  Republicans drank beer to celebrate Kavanaugh’s confirmation because of his proclamation that he “likes beer” and “still likes beer” during his testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. A number of news articles during the nomination process attacked Kavanaugh’s credibility because of his apparent love for beer while in high school and college.

“This weekend was a real opportunity for a dignified, respectful response,” cohost Mika Brzezinski said. “Republicans celebrated the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as a victory for Republicans. Activists tweeted photos of their alcohol with the hashtag #Beers4Brett.”

“I just don’t know why this is funny,” Brzezinski whined.

“It’s actually not funny,” cohost Joe Scarborough chimed in. “It’s distressing. They’re talking about the United States Supreme Court.”

“This is, again, so unbecoming,” he continued. “I’ve gotta say, classless in this respect that they’re acting like it’s a high school football game.”

If they want to talk about dignified, they should talk to their cohorts. And, at this point, Joe is a Democrat. Can’t remember the last time he took the side of Conservatives/Republicans.

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8 Responses to “Humorless Scolds Not Amused By The “Drinking A Beer For Brett” Meme”

  1. Odysseus says:

    I’m sure their humorless scolding will greatly deter this. 😉

  2. alanstorm says:

    “I’ve gotta say, classless in this respect that they’re acting like it’s a high school football game.”

    The Democrats started the whole “Act Like High-Schoolers” meme. Why are they complaining now?

  3. Jethro says:

    How many of you tried to Rape4Brett?

    Anyway, tRump and Brett McDrunkFace continue to cheapen America, but are great reflections of their supporters.

  4. Dana says:

    Is it OK that I’m drinking an ice water for Brett? I almost never drink alcohol.

  5. Nighthawk says:

    I seem to remember something about a “beer summit” at the White House a while back. I also seem to remember something about smoking pot and doing coke by a prominent democrat in their college days. I also seem to remember everyone giving him a pass.

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