Remember when we were supposed to give Barack Obama a chance in 2008? Not in Paul Krugman’s world, where doom is occurring and Trump is at fault
In 2015 the city of Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, was graced with a new public monument: a giant gold-plated sculpture portraying the country’s president on horseback. This may strike you as a bit excessive. But cults of personality are actually the norm in the “stans,†the Central Asian countries that emerged after the fall of the Soviet Union, all of which are ruled by strongmen who surround themselves with tiny cliques of wealthy crony capitalists.
Americans used to find the antics of these regimes, with their tinpot dictators, funny. But who’s laughing now?
We are, after all, about to hand over power to a man who has spent his whole adult life trying to build a cult of personality around himself; remember, his “charitable†foundation spent a lot of money buying a six-foot portrait of its founder. Meanwhile, one look at his Twitter account is enough to show that victory has done nothing to slake his thirst for ego gratification. So we can expect lots of self-aggrandizement once he’s in office. I don’t think it will go as far as gold-plated statues, but really, who knows?
(blah blah blah)
In short, America is rapidly turning into a stan.
Here’s the kicker
But let’s get real. Everything we know suggests that we’re entering an era of epic corruption and contempt for the rule of law, with no restraint whatsoever.
We’ve literally (not the Joe Biden type) just been through 8 years of what Krugman is complaining about. The massive waste of taxpayer money so that Obama can vacation and campaign. Using the IRS as a tool to abuse conservative groups. Attempting to hide everything from Freedom Of Information Requests. And Congress. Lying to Congress and the People. Using secretive email to communicate. Hillary’s server. People like Huma Abadin double dipping in their work for government and private entities, and doing it for pay for play. The constant photos of Obama inserting himself into everything that happens. Refusing to engage Congress and instead passing rule after rule, regulation after regulation, many of which exceeded statutory limitations and had federal judges telling the Obama administration to cease and desist.
Krugman even goes on to whine about the George W. Bush administration. But nothing for Obama and his time.
The only question now is whether the rot has gone so deep that nothing can stop America’s transformation into Trumpistan. One thing is for sure: It’s destructive as well as foolish to ignore the uncomfortable risk, and simply assume that it will all be O.K. It won’t.
How will it go with Trump? Time will tell. Yes, I’m concerned. I’ve been concerned since he started rising in the polls. But, I’m willing to give him a chance. Lefties like Paul Krugman are not only unwilling to give him a change, they’re at level 10 Moonbat.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Trumpski is too dangerous to America to “give him a chance”. He is not American but is a global oligarch with no concept of American freedoms. His relationship with the Russian oligarchs, Putin, and the Kremlin is largely unexamined and he wants to keep it that way as he consolidates his grip. Ironically, Republican true patriots in Congess (NOT those teabag faux patriots) will be his greatest “enemies”.
I heard one of the liberal clowns on TV yesterday explaining how lower taxes would ruin the country due to the increase in the our loan burden.. Now, Obama has racked up an additional 10 trillion dollars in money we owe and not one liberal complained the whole time. And look at the result of his Keynesian economy, nothing, not a thing except more debt. So, I guess Reagan’s approach was the best of the two. Thankfully, Trump understands the issue and at least has had courses in economics and has run several successful businesses, much better than anyone in Obama’s world.
Shame on you, picking on a “journalist” that is clearly off his meds, first prescribed back in November.
Our esteemed host concluded:
To which Jeffrey replied:
I will give him a chance, because neither Jeffrey nor our host nor I have a choice: unless he just flat drops dead in the next 18 days, he will become the 45th President of the United States, and he will have his chance, regardless of what anyone happens to think about it.
“A global oligarch?” Why, that must mean he’s someone who would mandate that all Americans buy health insurance, or that Catholic nuns have to pay for artificial contraception, or that Christian bakers must bake cakes for same-sex ‘weddings,’ or that normal women must allow
menmentally ill males into their bathrooms, or that he would rain down death and destruction from the skies without having any idea who he’s trying to help. I mean, aren’t those the types of things an oligarch would do?