Did Bush Really Promise a Conservative Judge?

Usually, I am the same page as Ankle Biting Pundits. Been reading that site since long ago, when it was Crush Kerry. However, I gotta take a bit of an issue with where bulldogpundit seems to be going with the bolded parts (the article being from the Charlotte Observer):

Harriet Miers testified in a 1990 voting rights lawsuit that the Dallas City Council had too few black and Hispanic members. Increasing minority representation should be a goal of any change in the city’s political district lines, she said. A voting rights expert said "It’s not unlike something you could see Justice Sandra Day O’Connor saying. A rigid quota system may be bad, but diversity is a compelling interest, and we want institutions to reflect society as a whole."

She also said she "wouldn’t belong to the Federalist Society" or other "politically charged" groups because they "seem to color your view." 

Bulldog then writes: Dear God, the last thing we need is another O’Connor. And why the diss of the Federalist Society, from where we have gotten several of our best conservative jurists?  I think the point of Miers is being missed. Granted, we do not know enough about her like President Bush does, but, we need to give her nomination the time and thought that it deserves, not go crazy and act like lefties. Now, so many folks, such as bulldog, think Bush’s picks should be Conservative, and are spoiling for a fight. However, Bush has made it clear that he wants people who will not legislate from the bench. Conservatives can do that, too. Me, I would prefer someone who will follow the laws of the Country, and decide whether the issues are Constitutional or not based on the Constitution, not on personal or political feelings or thoughts.

Let’s say Miers is confirmed, and makes a ruling that is in the spirit of the Founding Fathers and their thoughts on the Constitution, but the ruling is good for Liberals. Is that a good decision? Damn right. I personally feel that it is a bit more important for the proper ruling to be made, then for a Conservative one to be made. Judges should be impartial and non political. Miers may be that judge.

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7 Responses to “Did Bush Really Promise a Conservative Judge?”

  1. Ken Bingham says:

    Your right he didn’t promise conservative judges but those that would be strict constructionists and not legislate from the bench. I am very confident that Chief Justice Roberts will fit that bill but we still do not know enough about Harriet Miers.

  2. Exactly, Ken. We need to give the process time to illuminate us, and then we can make a decision.

  3. Basil's Blog says:

    Saturday Brunch: 10/8/2005

    Try one of these specials with your supper: The Therapist applauds Delay fighting back The Nose On Your Face says Doogie, we hardly knew ye. Confederate Yankee says the Vietnam War is still being fought. Stop the ACLU! looks at

  4. Pete says:

    I like Mr. Bush, and I trust him. I think this was a tactical move. Everyone was ready for a fight,Mr. Bush is a man of peace. He simply changed the rules af engagement.I think she is a conservitive sleeper. Watch and see.

  5. In a recent viewing of Peter Pan it hit me: Faith, Trust, and a little pixie dust. There’s a lesson here, just as there is in all great children’s stories.

    We owe Bush our faith and trust. We elected him in part so he could choose conservative originalist judges. So, let him choose! Given the reliability of the GOP Senate, I think more than pixie dust would have been needed to get someone like a Rogers Brown or an Estrada to fly. *wince*

    You’re quite right, William. Give this nomination time. I’ve stopped reading the impatient and second-guessing right-wing “pundits” on this one.

  6. I think Cheney, when he was on both Rush and Hannity, said it right: wait 10 years, and you will be pleased. Now, no one wants to wait, we live in an instant gratification society nowadays. But, provided she gives the right answers, I think we may be very pleased with her. Course, we could all be wrong and the right wing pundits correct. It is a crapshoot. Look at the ones Reagan appointed, who everyone thought were major Conservative. Turns out not so much.

    I have stopped reading most of the righties who do that to, TMH. I expect it from Lefties, not Conservatives.

  7. Jay says:

    Amen! Peeples need to chill.

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