It’s gonna be a seething kind of day

Not for me, though. (via WRAL)

Fed up by a five-month fight with Senate Democrats, a senior White House official said President George W. Bush will install John Bolton Monday to be his new ambassador to the United Nations.

How soon will the Kosbat Kids, Du’ers, and those pesky Congressional Democritters take before the pure seething starts? That reminds me, I gotta check Google Earth, see if red clouds start to pop up around the "Blue" areas. I wonder if there is a real time temperature meter available?

Update: the Kosbats are (predictably) having litters of kittens (feral ones). One post is called "It’s Official, Bolton Is In…(planet doomed), and the other is about Bolton being irrelevant, which is just a typical Kosbat whiny ass sore loser post.

Bush claims that Bolton will be a force for reform at the UN. Problem is, Bolton has been foisted upon the UN without any consensus in the Senate. He has only a shred of legal authority to the post, and no moral authority. His tenure is necessarily limited to a year.

Actually, sparky, the authority is derived from Article II, Section 2, of that pesky (to libs) thing called the Constitution. I suggest you try reading it some time. If the Left would have stopped stalling and given Bolton the up or down vote he deserved, wouldn’t have been a problem.

And, BTW, Sparky, his tenure is till the next Congress takes seat in January, 2007. That is a little longer then a year. More often then not, people who are appointed during a recess stay in their jobs. See previous post here.

More: In a monumental ode to Cluelessness (had to be capitalized), Swimmer Ted stated:

"The abuse of power and the cloak of secrecy from the White House continues. … It’s a devious maneuver that evades the constitutional requirement of Senate consent and only further darkens the cloud over Mr. Bolton’s credibility at the U.N."

I guess Ted doesn’t read the papers, watch the news, or cruise the ‘net. Or have anyone on staff who could do it for him. Hell, we all knew this was coming over a week ago, and have been speculating for at least a month. Furthermore, I suspect Ted isn’t familiar with the Constitution. Or the fact that his brother, John, you know, that President guy, appointed Thurgood Marshall, you know, that Supreme Court fellow, to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in a recess appointment. JFK was worried about Southern Senators stopping the nomination, one of whom was, drum roll please, Robert Byrd.

I’ve been waiting to trot that one out 🙂

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6 Responses to “It’s gonna be a seething kind of day”

  1. Ogre says:

    Yay and hooray!

  2. Jeff H says:

    HA!!! They’ll be to blame for global warming!!!

  3. Mr. Bolton Goes to the UN

    It’s about time. President Bush has appointed John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations. I’m very pleased that President Bush has thumbed his nose at the partisan, obstructionist, apologist, losers who would have the United States placate itself …

  4. Jay says:

    Glad to hear this.

  5. Jay says:

    Glad to hear this.

  6. the Lefties are going ape over this.

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