What’s with the Lefty protests?

Lefties love their petitions and protests, don’t they? They will whip one out for any slight issue. And they dearly love protesting war. But wait a second. Could that be true?

Vietnam: while there was an anti war movement prior to 1969, the real protest marches and loonacy did not start till 1969, when there was a, you guessed it, Republican President. One who wanted to get us out of the mess that 2 Democratic administrations got us in to.

During Reagan’s years, they had issues with Grenada, Beruit, and the Lybian operations, not to mention the way Reagan prosecuted the Cold War. They were simply apoplectic over Reagan calling the Soviet Union the "evil empire." Which made the Lefties happy, of course. If they aren’t seething, they aren’t happy. Lots of marches during those years.

They protested the Gulf War, both before and during. Republican President in office. Their favorite saying was "no blood for oil." I remember one guy who needed a shave and a clean shirt getting off a bus and being asked why no blood for oil. He said it was wrong. The reporter asked him about how much oil the bus used. No joke, not making this up, he said that the bus used gas, not oil. But boy howdy, did protesting make him happy.

And we have seen the protests during the Bush 43 admin. They went ballistic pre-Iraq war, and are still going strong. They were the trouble makers durin both the Democratic and Republican Conventions, in Boston and NYC, respectively. Those weren’t Republicans smearing feces on themselves so the police wouldn’t touch them. And the petitions. The internet has empowered them to knock one off for any little slight.

However, I cannot seem to find much on Democratic protests during Carter or Clinton’s years. Of course, Carter did nothing, especially when the Iranians took our people hostage. No Dems protesting what Iran did. Did the Lefties protest Bill’s adventures in Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti, and Kosovo? Nope. Military adventures that had no purpose. None of them slapped together a petition for Bill to come clean about Monica, Paul, Whitewater, lying to a Federal Grand Jury, subjorning testimoney, influence pedeling, etc.

And the protests over Vietnam pre-1969? Doesn’t matter what Oliver Stone wants you to think, the Lefty scene was rather quiet during the LBJ years, subsisting on some music and yapping press. If a Dem were to win in 2008, and invaded another country, such as Iran, do you think the Lefties would have issues?  I doubt it. The Left only protests when Republicans are in Office.

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5 Responses to “What’s with the Lefty protests?”

  1. Jay says:

    So right you are, if only we could mobilize protests the way they do…well not quite the whole smearing of feces and all. I’m rolling in the floor over the bus that doesn’t use oil. Where can I find a car like that?

  2. The reporters face was priceless.

  3. basil's blog says:

    Lunch: 8/1/2005

    Try one of these specials with your lunch: Soldier’s Angel – Holly Aho has an interview with Patti Patton-Bader. Info Theory looks at the blogosphere, it’s potential … and problems. SpaceMonkey loves Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.Hector Vex just …

  4. Patty-Jo says:

    That’s one of the things I like best about all those leftart protesters. Their superior intelligence!

  5. Joe Grant says:

    You say we didn’t protest during LBJ?? The war was in it’s early stages (pre-1968) as far as our troop involvement goes. Actual Vietnam war planning goes back to end of WWII. One of the BIGGEST PROTEST of the Vietnam war era took place in 1968 at the DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION IN CHICAGO!!! How convenient of you to leave that out. That’s the big problem with R-wingnuts, leaving out or twisting facts because the truth rarely has anything to do with what you say. I got on this site to look up info on the Gloria Wise – Air Am. “rip-off”. I don’t see any info, only references. I keyed in a “search” and this is what I get? Tell me ALL the details and don’t conveniently leave anything out. Thanks.

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