Many Credentialed Media outlets are leaving heavily on the “low confidence” assessment, but, that the CIA is even admitting this now is extraordinary. Heck, even printing articles on it, after years of calling people nutjobs and conspiracy theorists for saying it leaked from Wuhan and not from the wet market
C.I.A. Now Favors Lab Leak Theory to Explain Covid’s Origins
The C.I.A. has said for years that it did not have enough information to conclude whether the Covid pandemic emerged naturally from a wet market in Wuhan, China, or from an accidental leak at a research lab there.
But the agency issued a new assessment this week, with analysts saying they now favor the lab theory.
There is no new intelligence behind the agency’s shift, officials said. Rather it is based on the same evidence it has been chewing over for months.
The analysis, however, is based in part on a closer look at the conditions in the high security labs in Wuhan province before the pandemic outbreak, according to people familiar with the agency’s work.
It’s something most with a working brain thought back in early 2020, that it was just too convenient that COVID-19 started in the wet market because someone at a bat or something, particularly since the Wuhan Institute of Virology has had leaks before and is not known for their stellar security and medical protocols. Why is it so necessary to protect the Chinese government? Or, is it about protecting Anthony Fauci and the others who were funding the gain of function research in an adversarial nation?
In the final weeks of the Biden administration, Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, ordered a new classified review of the pandemic’s origin. As part of that review, the agency’s previous director, William J. Burns, told analysts that they needed to take a position on the origins of Covid, though he was agnostic on which theory they should embrace, a senior U.S. intelligence official said.
Should they not have been looking at this hard starting from the beginning of the Biden admin? You know, intelligence gathering, the mission of the CIA and other intelligence agencies? This is rather important information, seeing as how there have been over 1.1 million deaths reported to be connected to COVID. It might be nice to know the origination, right?
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, questions have swirled around whether the two labs handling coronaviruses in Wuhan had followed safety protocols strictly enough.
It’s just a coinkydink that they were working on Coronaviruses up the road from the wet market, right?
Even in the absence of hard intelligence, the lab leak hypothesis has been gaining ground inside spy agencies. But some analysts question the wisdom of shifting a position in absence of new information.
There was never any real evidence to support it coming from the wet market, especially since the Chinese government was saying it and blocking WHO from investigating.
BTW, does anyone else yell expletives at the TV/radio when they hear a commercial pushing Bat Flu Virus shots?

I hope that China did not intentionally leak this virus into the wild. But it was a no-brainer for people who could reason. The virus broke out in a wet market one mile from where the Chinese have a high-security lab researching the exact same virus.
This was a great way to show the world how evil Trump was. It was his fault. I am surprised the deep state did not figure out a way to tie Trump to China and the Wuhan lab. He and XI were dressed in white gowns, cooking up the virus, while the Democrats were Austin Powers going after MINI-ME and Dr. Evil.
Right now, the left is suffering from a heavy shot to the liver in the heavy-weight fight of politics. But soon, they will recover, and it will be on again. Not to worry. They will make a comeback and, probably in four years, take over the House, Senate, and White House again because voters have a dumb assed propensity to suffer political amnesia. The wall will be cut down, the borders flung wide open, and 25 million more criminals and thugs will rush into America like shoppers rushing into Walmart on Black Friday stores opening their doors to long lines of crazed shoppers.
Early on, the FBI and Energy Dept intelligence units favored the laboratory leak hypothesis, while other units favored natural introduction. The CIA was agnostic.
Now, for reasons not stated, the CIA sort of, kind of, supports the lab leak hypothesis. They still refer to “low confidence” in their re-assessment, and the timing of the new stance is politically suspicious. There is no good evidence for the lab leak hypothesis.
And of course Rimjob has some super secret insight on the origin of the Covid virus.
The rest of his post is pure Rimjobfuscation as usual.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 – New Sheriff Got Him Some New Deputies
Read on, ShittyButt, read on…
Along with Rimjob, Fauci and China favor the zoonotic theory over the lab leak reality.
Yet they can’t seem to nail down which animal or animals gave the virus to humans.
Bwaha! Lolgf Loser!
Science is hard, Lil ShittyButt!
Lab leak reality, LOL. Care to discuss the evidence for that?
Don’t particularly care to debate a twelve year old who doesn’t realize gender is determined at conception.
Science is hard, Rimjob.
Not fairy tale pangolins or bats from a wet market down the street from a Chinese Gain-of-Function research lab.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 – Real Science Not Propaganda
You’ve made the right decision, ShittyButt!
Awkward segue from Covid to gender!! david4747, a doctor, says he determined gender at birth, but that sometimes he made a mistake.
Awkward maybe but appropriate considering the twelve year old’s Rimjobfucation.
No, you read my response when you were drunk. I never make mistakes.
He was probably sober but he’s just that stupid.
You typed that sometimes you couldn’t make a clear determination if a baby was a boy or a girl. So you would pick one? Flip a coin?
For those interested, the references in the review present and discuss the original data, e.g.,
More conjecture courtesy of Rimjob.
Deny on, ShittyButt, deny on… LOL
Jeff demonstrates several of his attributes and lack of logic and knowledge with his comment.
Jeff requires an article to justify any position, he can not consume several articles and come to a conclusion. He also does not read and understand the article written nor can he make a critical analysis. In his current article, the author demonstrates a dispersal pattern that only shows a handful of individuals went to the wet market while the vast majority did not. The fact is that the virus was released intentionally or not from the virus lab. This lab and others were operating via Fauci with our money. Gain of function was taking place, against US law, by Fauci. The Chinese returned those individuals to Europe, being in China for New Years. They proceeded to spread the virus. Trump attempted to control the virus but was stopped by the Dems. As the virus takes over in the US, doctors were stopped from rendering aid and given fairly worthless guidelines from the Feds, assuring a high morbidity and mortality. Then a fairly worthless vaccine is developed which has significant risk. And our population was more or less forced to take the vaccine. Any doctor who developed meds that were more effective than the approved antiviral were ruined or placed in prison.
Jeff has been very vocal on COVID and all his points have proven to be wrong.
david0005 lies in every sentence!! Every friggin’ sentence he typed was false. And of course, a mendacious person like david only supports his arguments with lies and opinions. He mimicks the far-right white supremacist line on every issue.
david007 knows, or should know, that physicans can prescribe any approved medicine for any indication, noting that they risk side effects and insurance not paying.
The Covid mortality rate was sigificantly higher in the non-vaccinated than in those vaccinated with the Trump vaccine.
Jeff produced what is called a meta analysis. This is absolutely worthless. Pharmacist are not trained in clinical medicine or how to evaluate publications. In fact all they do is count pills.
Written by Chinese scientists BTW.
The Covid mortality rates were significantly higher in New York nursing homes where that idiot Mario Cuomo forced infected people into quarantine.
STFU, idiot. You know nothing.
Does Jeff realize that the COVID jab was developed by Trump, but he was hoodwinked by the Fauci group. So his defense of the vac vindicates Trump.
I guess he is awe struck by the winning. MAGA.
I’ve always credited Il Douche for his vaccine.
In fact, I wrote this just above:
Meta-analyses combine the results from many small studies in an attempt to improve the statistical power.
I’m not a pharmacist, but it’s my experience that they’re no worse than physicians/DOs at evaluating scientific data. I’ve workded with both over the years. Physicians are more similar to mechanics and electricians than they are to scientists. Physicians see themselves as minor deities. One of the best scientists I worked with was an Oncology Nurse who started her own company for testing potential oncology drugs in animal models, e.g. crizotinib.
Lil ShittyButt typed: Written by Chinese scientists BTW.
Anderson E Ikeokwu, Rebecca Lawrence, Egbaoghene D Osieme, Khalifa M Gidado, Cullen Guy, Oladejo Dolapo
Hmmm… Chinese?
Couldn’t resist and Rimjob fell for it.
Such a putz.
Bwaha! Lolgf Loser!