Did those companies understand if they want to win like the Chiefs they have to grease some palms?
Supreme Court declines to hear from oil and gas companies trying to block climate change lawsuits
The Supreme Court said Monday it won’t hear an appeal from oil and gas companies trying to block lawsuits seeking to hold the industry liable for billions of dollars in damage linked to climate change.
The order allows the city of Honolulu’s lawsuit against oil and gas companies to proceed. The city’s chief resilience officer, Ben Sullivan, said it’s a significant decision that will protect “taxpayers and communities from the immense costs and consequences of the climate crisis caused by the defendants’ misconduct.”
The oil and gas companies appealed to the Supreme Court after Hawaii’s highest court allowed the lawsuit to proceed. The companies include Sunoco, Shell, Chevron, Exxon Mobil and BP, many of which are headquartered in Texas. (snip)
The American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, said declining to hear the Honolulu case now means the companies could face more lawsuits from activists trying to “make themselves the nation’s energy regulators.”
“I hope that the Court will hear the issue someday, for the sake of constitutional accountability and the public interest,” said Adam White, a senior fellow at the institute.
And they may well hear the case at a certain point, but, they look to be thinking to let the system work. Let the suits continue, and then let the appeals go through if necessary. And now the companies should stop selling their products in Honolulu, meaning no one one want to visit.
BTW, it’s tough finding good climate scam material, since almost everything seems to be about blaming ‘climate change’ for the LA area fires. But, again, I’m not touching it. I’ve done their blamestorming on other fires, on hurricanes, on thunderstorms, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, snow storms, and so much more, and, I just don’t have the wanting to deal with these wackos right now.

Seems like the right call. Courts should not pre-emptively ban whole classes of suits. That is the role of legislation. The Supreme court can weigh in later if the suits continue to rise in the legal process. In this case, the Supremes are permitting the lower courts to do their jobs. There are only so many hours the SCOTUS can devote to cases each year. I am sure they would like to reserve some time for things of real significance rather than squandering their calendar opining about ridiculous cases that already fly in the face of well established legal precedent.
Perhaps the anti-AGW crowd should start suing the pro-AGW crowd. I mean individually. 100 million cases as the pro-AGW crowd sues back, and thus, we have forever gridlock in the courts.
I mean, I would love to SUE several Hollywood stars who think that we should end fossil fuels while they wave to the paparazzi before climbing on their private jets.
I say END FOSSIL FUELS TODAY! No more cell phones, internet, or just about everything we use, such as the hoses used to fight the LA fires. Give it all to China. China will take good care of all of us.
But I agree with the professor. Asking the Supreme Court to prevent litigation preemptively is not what they should be asked to do, and they properly refused to intervene.
It all goes back to the tobacco suit models. Why make a harmful product illegal when you can just milk it for cash? The lawyer crown would rather invest in government than invest in energy production. Modern lawyers all saw with envy how fabulously wealthy the tobacco settlement lawyers got and they want a piece of that easy money. It’s all about the money. It’s always been all about the money. Why go to engineering school and develop the energy of the future when you can just go to law school and use the courts to steal the profits from energy companies?
you understand completely professor hale.
Is The Teach claiming the KC Chiefs are paying off the NFL?
Yikes! The ultra-conservative SCOTUS won’t intervene? Maybe Big Daddy Don will.
Meds, Rimjob, meds.
You’re not making sense.
Looks like the White Christian wifey shorted you again.
One thing is clear: the oil companies need to start increasing prices in the Aloha State, to build up the cash reserves needed. In the end, consumers will demand fossil fuels, and the companies will charge them for all costs of doing business.
Cash reserves = incentives for greedy lawyers to sue. It is best if energy companies distribute their profits to their shareholders and send out shareholder notices that the state is out to get future earnings so don’t count on them. Who are all those shareholders? Retirees. Teachers. Firemen. Anyone with a pension fund, 401K or IRA. Once again, the Left claims to be trying to steal from big corporations, but in reality, they are stealing from everyone. Eventually, all those middle class people need to get wise and realize that Democrats are robbing them blind.
Maybe the Oil and Gas companies need to change their business models! If they get sued for BILLION$ because of their products being used then the sensible thing would be to STOP selling those products in hostile areas! How long would it take for the good residents of HI “encourage” their legislature to OVERTURN their insane law and drop the suits?? It might cost the Companies some short term profits, but it would put an end to the stupidity!
How can a COURT decide that oil and gas that’s been used for a CENTURY is NOW causing the “climate change”?? It’s ridiculous!