SCOTUS: Who To Pick

Now, right before Miers said "Hasta La Vista," I had been planning on saying "Nyet" to Harriet Miers. I originally was part of the Coallition of the Chillin’, but, I had heard enough to know that, even if she would be the person that I wanted on the court, ie, one that did not interpret the Constitution, but, rather, stayed within the letter of the Constitution, she would never make it. The hard Right was killing her, she was doing poorly in the dog and pony confirmation process, and, she was showing piss poor work ethics in filling out and turning in her paperwork.

I just gotta say that the person I want to see George "Still the President" Bush nominate is Janice Rogers Brown. She is good, she is Conservative, and she would fit the bill perfectly. Also, since, guess what! it is still about politics, what better to cause a complete Liberal meltdown then watching them attack a Black woman in a highly publicised confirmation process?

Yes, at times, she has seemingly taken supposedly liberal positions. However, that shows that she is no dupe, and that she carefully considers the Law when making a ruling. And THAT is what a Supreme Court justice should do: take the Constitutional position.

But, God Almighty, watching the libs attack a Black woman would be, and hopefully will be, priceless. Will the good folks at the New York Slimes, the Washington Post, CNN, cBS, etc, limit their coverage in order to make sure that Democratic Congress Critters do not look like racist and sexist buffoons?

Do it right, W!!!!!

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7 Responses to “SCOTUS: Who To Pick”

  1. patd95 says:

    She would be a great choice. But Bob Bork is tanned, rested, and ready! Let’s Roll!

  2. That would be great, too. Liberal frenzy.

  3. I would love to see him nominate Ann Coulter, if for nothing more than to get to watch her go after the Senate Liberals in person.

  4. moehawk says:

    just tell the Libs that she is actually a lesbian, and watch the fireworks that follow!


  5. Ogre says:

    Bork! Bork! Bork! Bork!

  6. Don Surber says:

    How Harriet Miers Saved The President

    Bush’s comeback is pretty easy to see. He starts with a solid Supco nominee, picks up on the budget-cutting Coburn — real cuts, not showy Alaskan bridges — and by taking the Iraq war to the people. I have written this over and over again: It is tim…

  7. Don Surber says:

    How Harriet Miers Saved The Presidency

    Bloggers may have saved this presidency. I was wrong. The bloggers calculated this one correctly. They said no to Miers. That forced Specter and the rest to say no.

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