Blog is Worth What?

I caught this little blogthing at a one of the newer blogs out there in the Ecosphere, unfortunately I cannot remember who. Sorry! Links are always good. Ran across it again at Aaron’s cc: today, though.

My blog is worth $327,433.20.
How much is your blog worth?

Not a bad price. If Dems were in charge they would probably tax us on this figure 🙂

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3 Responses to “Blog is Worth What?”

  1. JulieB says:

    OK, so I went there and did that. It tells me my blog is worth $0 (no surprises there!) and then asks if I want to put the little “What my blog is worth” icon on my site. Um. Ya know, I think it should worth SOMETHING before I put that thingy there. What do you think?

  2. I believe it has something to do with links in Technorati. If you aren’t showing there, for whatever reason, it gives that back. I checked what some other folks, including some long time bloggers, and got $0 back, too.

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