Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Image hosting by Photobucket Today the giant pinup lady is visiting the Mighty Mo, on whose decks Japan signed their Terms of Surrender formally on September 2, 1945. Why is she on the Mo today, 8/14/2005? Emperor Hirohito announced Japan’s surrender on 8/15/1945, Japan time, and the US celebrates VJ day today, August 14. Today truly marks the end of World War II. (Unfortunately, I lost this photo when I moved from Typepad to WordPress, and I do not have it in my hard drive or archives. Sigh)

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4 Responses to “Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup”

  1. Moe says:

    She is gorgeous. Such sexy lines and curves, and her topside is so huge and good looking. I’d love to climb all over her.

    Oh, and the chick looks pretty good too. 😉

  2. Nothing like 16 inch guns. The Mo is great, too!

  3. Jay says:

    Sexy one. Thanks for all the attention you helped get to the cause.

  4. bob says:

    As far as I’m concerned there will always be those that can’t control what they do. Control as in buying a lottery ticket or buying more than they can afford. Give the rest of us a break! Allow us to do what we have the right to do.

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