Stop the ACLU

John at Stop The ACLU has an important post, entitled "Putting the Fear of God into the ACLU"

The man behind an online effort to rein in the American Civil Liberties Union is taking his campaign to America’s churches, hoping to mobilize millions of believers into taking a stand against the legal organization.

As WorldNetDaily reported, Nedd Kareiva’s StopThe is dedicating to ending the legal victories of the ACLU – from limiting the activities of the Boy Scouts to promoting same-sex marriage.

Read the whole thing.

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13 Responses to “Stop the ACLU”

  1. Jay says:

    Thanks so much!

  2. zen_less says:

    Gee, so I guess next time Jerry Falwell needs the ACLU’s help (as in the 2002 case in Virginia in which Falwell and the ACLU argued against a provision of the Virginia Constitution that bans religious organizations from incorporating) I guess he’s going to be SOL

  3. Adam says:

    Because only having one point of view is very important for a healthy Democracy. If you think that this is a good idea, try to imagine the world that ‘John at stop the ACLU’ would create for everyone if there were no dissenting voices.

  4. The ACLU goes well beyond dissention, and tries to stop the will of the majority. They will file a lawsuit at the drop of a hat. Furthermore, then only follow the parts of the Constitution that they like.

  5. Dave Johnson says:

    “The ACLU goes well beyond dissention, and tries to stop the will of the majority.”

    Yes, that’s what the Constitution is about. Rights for EVERYONE, not just the majority.

    “They will file a lawsuit at the drop of a hat.”

    And of they are without merit they are dismissed. Also, FYI the law says if it is a frivolous lawsuit they are fined for it.

    “Furthermore, then only follow the parts of the Constitution that they like.”

    As compared to NOT following parts of the Constitution?

  6. Madmatt says:

    I didn’t see Rush turning away their help when he got busted as the drug user he is.

    Maybe if you stopped trying to force jesus down our throats they wouldn’t be such a nuisance.

  7. Robert says:


    Nice piece in the August issue of Harper’s about how unChrist-like American Christian’s are.

    How America’s Christian Conservative’s push for permanent tax cuts for our richest .1% of society, not for helping those less fortunate than themselves.
    If Christ came back to earth today, he’d be laughed at and mocked at as a bleeding-heart liberal by America’s Christians!!

  8. Jamie Jamison says:

    Man, when is God going to fire up the Rapture engine and kill all of the stupid Christist bastards such as John at “Stop the ACLU” and suck them up to Heaven with the celestial ShopVac.

  9. AndyS says:

    John at “Stop the ACLU” is indeed full of anger, but never really gets down to the business of stating specifically what element of ACLU’s mission or policy he objects to. Does anybody out there from John’s camp wih to fill us in?

  10. Raphael says:

    The full will of the majority has very little interest in protecting the rights of the minority. Thank God that the ACLU is there to let everyone get a chance to speak!

  11. tristero says:

    The ACLU – of which I am a proud card-carrying member – actually practices what the right preaches about Roberts. The ACLU does not advocate any cause except civil liberties and defense of the Bill of Rights. That is why it has defended such odious snakes as Oliver North. That is why it has defended the Ku Klux Klan. It is not pro-right wing lunatic or pro-racist. It is pro civil rights.

    Why wingnuts – and even perfectly normal people – can’t get this through their heads is beyond me.

  12. This little bit of brilliance from the Bush administration bureaucrats at the TSA (Thousands Standing Around, Ridge’s Retards) is one reason we need the ACLU.

    “No-fly list” keeps babies off planes

    By Leslie Miller
    The Associated Press

    WASHINGTON — Infants have been stopped from boarding planes at airports throughout the U.S. because their names are the same as or similar to those of possible terrorists on the government’s “no-fly list.”

    It sounds like a joke, but it’s not funny to parents who miss flights while scrambling to have babies’ passports and other documents faxed.

    Ingrid Sanden’s 1-year-old daughter was stopped in Phoenix before boarding a flight home to Washington at Thanksgiving.

    “I completely understand the war on terrorism, and I completely understand people wanting to be safe when they fly,” Sanden said. “But focusing the target a little bit is probably a better use of resources.”

    The government’s lists of people who are either barred from flying or require extra scrutiny before being allowed to board airplanes grew markedly since the Sept. 11 attacks. Critics, including the American Civil Liberties Union, say the government doesn’t provide enough information about the people on the lists, so innocent passengers can be caught up in the security sweep if they happen to have the same name as someone on the lists.

    That can happen even if the person happens to be an infant.

    “It was bizarre,” Sanden said. “I was hugely pregnant, and I was like, ‘We look really threatening.’ ”

    Sarah Zapolsky and her husband had a similar experience last month while departing from Dulles International Airport outside Washington. An airline ticket agent told them their 11-month-old son was on the government list.

    “I understand that security is important,” Zapolsky said. “But if they’re just guessing, and we have to give up our passport to prove that our 11-month-old is not a terrorist, it’s a waste of their time.”

    Checking passengers’ names against those supplied by the government has become more difficult for airlines. Since the 2001 attacks, the lists have swelled from a dozen or so names to more than 100,000 names, according to people in the aviation industry who are familiar with the issue.

    The Transportation Security Administration, which administers the lists, instructs airlines not to deny boarding to children under 12, or select them for extra security checks, even if their names match those on a list.

    But it happens anyway. Debby McElroy, president of the Regional Airline Association, said: “Our information indicates it happens at every major airport.”

    The TSA has a “passenger ombudsman” who will investigate individual claims from passengers who say they are mistakenly on the lists. TSA spokeswoman Yolanda Clark said 89 children have submitted their names to the ombudsman. Of those, 14 are under the age of 2.

  13. It´s a very interesting theme and a simple answer of many questions

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