The 9/11 Concert

Seems as if Donald Rumsfeld is going it alone and planning on a concert for this September 11th, and the Moonbats do not like it.

The Pentagon will hold a massive march and country music concert to mark the fourth anniversary of Sept. 11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in an announcement tucked into an Iraq war briefing Tuesday.

"This year the Department of Defense will initiate an America Supports Your Freedom Walk," Rumsfeld said, adding that the march would remind people of "the sacrifices of this generation and of each previous generation."

Armando at the Daily Kosbat says "just tasteless." Thanks for that pithy discourse, Armando. Steve Gilliard at The News Blog entitles his piece "Is he fucking kidding?"

These people idea of America is alien to what I was raised to believe. They think this is appropriate? The shitstorm which is coming their way will be quite impressive. And there will be one. Once the NY papers pick up on this, the screeching will be quite loud.

Disgusted isn’t the word for this. Violated, maybe. Ashamed, another. Wow.

Oh yeah, Clint Black should roast in hell for participating in this monstrosity. Why not piss on some graves instead?

No, Steve, "these people" believe in celebrating America, rather then tearing it down. We like out country. We believe in turning a negative into a positive, you believe in making it more negative. We believe in showing support for our country, and telling its enemies to piss off, you believe in telling us that the USA is evil, and we should reason with the enemy. You are entitled to your Free Speech, but Clint Black isn’t entitled to his? Such tolerance. Not that that is unexpected from the Left.

And the Left NEVER uses 9/11 for its nefarious purposes, eh? They never politicize it, eh?

This is a good way of telling the terrorists that we are not afraid of them, and they will not destroy us.

BTW, nice job of hotlinking that photo. Is that North Korea? Just for reference, it was the Left who supported Communism, not the right.

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4 Responses to “The 9/11 Concert”

  1. Jay says:

    The lefties views are alien to me too buddy!

  2. The DoD propaganda event is attempting to eclipse our event!

    for more info visit:

  3. NIF says:

    Sorcerer of The Wonkavator

    Today’s dose of NIF – News, Interesting & Funny … Thank.God.Its.Friday, seriously!

  4. Now that’s a shame, I like Steve Earl

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