Another Blogging Related CANNEDature

In case you are one of the 5 4 people who haven’t read Michelle Malkin’s post on Cindy Sheehan, which includes some vile emails that she has recieved, it appears as if the person who wrote on of those vile emails, in standard complete moonbat fashion, has been terminated, fired, canned, that is, from his job at Ogletree Deakins, a legal firm in Los Angelos. Good to see Gray Geddie, the Managing Shareholder, do the right thing.

I myself wanted to send an email to protest the abusive language towards Michelle to Ogletree Deakins, but, oops, I properly adhered to my companies email policy. It wasn’t going to be anything nasty or abusive, but it would have been innapropriate to send it (much less exposing myself and my company. No access to external email at work, per the firewall). To Patrick Mitchell: buh bye! I wanted my chance to write that email. Damn!

But you just know this will end up somewhere in Moonbat Land, probably the DU, maybe the main vampire, Kosbat, and they will become hysterical (or, as Michelle’s book will say, unhinged), over the firing of Mitchell for expressing his "Free Speech" Rights. "Is Mr Mitchell rehirable?" "Not a chance."

Oh, and there is info on nutjob Cindy Sheehan. Almost forgot. My little buddy is back for Sheehan and Mitchell.

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4 Responses to “Another Blogging Related CANNEDature”

  1. Kerfuffles says:

    Blogging Can Get You Fired!

    She has posted some of the vile e-mails sent her. One of them has resulted in the loss of employment for some dumb moonbat at the Ogletree Deakins law firm. Warning to everyone; the first amendment does not cover you when you are at work getting paid…

  2. Jo says:

    I haven’t read Michell’s blog tonight yet, but I’m not surprised that the moonbats have done this. Love that little guy too 🙂

  3. Jo's Cafe says:

    TGIF Specials

    1. Exactly — why are gas prices so high when we went to Iraq for oil?

    2. The Museum of Left Wing Lunacy wants your vote. I’ve given mine!

    3. (H/T: Pirates Cove) Some people just need their mouth washed out with soap.

    4. Cox & Forkum have a gr…

  4. He has been hanging out alot since I found him 🙂

Pirate's Cove