Air Deadbeat-Poor Al

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Poor, poor, Al Franken. Seems that he has had problems getting paid too (via the New York Post)

AL Franken says 20,000 poor kids and old people weren’t the only victims of an exec who allegedly arranged a Bronx charity’s mega-buck "loan" to Air America.

"About three weeks into the life of Air America, I became an involuntary investor — I stopped being paid," Franken told listeners yesterday on WLIB (1190 AM).

It was the first time the all-liberal network’s biggest star addressed at length a controversial $875,000 loan from the disgraced — and now de-funded — Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club.

I just wonder if Al could be any more egoistic. I guess we are supposed to drag out the big violins for him and let the tears flow. I’m making the assumption that John Mainelli listened to Air Deadbeat yesterday (or, in Franken’s case, Air Idiot, as The Leather Penguin calls them), raising AD’s listeners to 6. Brave soul. All those pithy words Franken uses, like "er, ah, well, umm" and the occasional offbeat "ha ha" that comes out of knowhere, for no reason, over something that wasn’t funny.

And the New York Times has, well, crickets. Yup, still nothing. Not even the editorial I sent in.

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One Response to “Air Deadbeat-Poor Al”

  1. basil's blog says:

    Lunch: 8/9/05

    Try one of these specials with your lunch: Chrissy says it’s time for another good thing to come to an end (We bid you a fond farewell). basil (Alliance version) says Icon do it. IMAO has an IMAO deadpool running.

Pirate's Cove