Photoshopping Hell

Hmm, I reckon that them silly folks at the US Today (.75 cents? Bite Me) thought they were going to get away with some cute photopshopping of Condi. You can see the results at Michelle Malkin’s spot. She reports that it has been taken down by them thar wacky libacritters, but, the fact that they tried in the first place is very telling. Of course, we already know the wonky stuff that they try. (yeah, a little late to the party, but been super busy today.)

The UselessA Today (but pretty colors!) writes:

Editor’s note: The photo of Condoleezza Rice that originally accompanied this story was altered in a manner that did not meet USA TODAY’s editorial standards. The photo has been replaced by a properly adjusted copy. Photos published online are routinely cropped for size and adjusted for brightness and sharpness to optimize their appearance. In this case, after sharpening the photo for clarity, the editor brightened a portion of Rice’s face, giving her eyes an unnatural appearance. This resulted in a distortion of the original not in keeping with our editorial standards.

Nope. Don’t work that way, folks. See, any which way you cut it, you could only get those eyes to do that by doing some work. Sharpening doesn’t cause that to happen. I have been using personal versions of Photoshop and Microsoft PictureIt! for quite some years now, and it take some work to get it to make minor changes like this:

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And that is very minor changes. Or, you could look at major changes, which were done stricly for fun, here, here, and here. They could have been done evil. They weren’t. Course, y’all probably want to either scratch your eyes out or kill Teach.

Confederate Yankee has more goodness, too (thankfully, he is one of them redneck type damnyankees D:)

So does the California Conservative (as Jeff Foxworthy states, there can be rednecks all over the world. Even Robert Plant is one.)

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3 Responses to “Photoshopping Hell”

  1. Ogre says:

    I am not going to follow those links. I am not going to follow those links. I am NOT going to follow those links.

  2. Shamalama says:

    With Paint Shop Pro, and 15 minutes, I was able to recreate the “error” that USAToday’s editors did. I wonder if Dan Rather will report on their “fake but accurate” photo?

  3. You have seen thine evilness, Sir Ogre, beforehand. Heh, heh, heh!

    I have some pro version of Adobe photoshop, do not use it much, like Microsoft Digital Picture software better, but, yeah, I bet it is easy to do. They should have gone the whole 10 yds and added horns, if they were going to muck with it.

    I tried the original photo in Microsoft (which is actually very similar to Photoshop), and it cleaned up nicely, without the effects the UselessA Today got.

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