Racist in Raleigh

But not quite the way you expect. Michelle Malkin links to a piece by Mike Adams of Townhall about racism at North Carolina State University. But what is the racism about? Dr. Kamau Kambon, a professor of African American studies, made these comments at a forum at Howard University on October 14th:

Now how do I know that the white people know that we are going to come up with a solution to the problem? I know it because they have retina scans, they have what they call racial profiling, DNA banks, and they’re monitoring our people to try to prevent the one person from coming up with the one idea. And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem.  Now I don’t care whether you clap or not, but I’m saying to you that we need to solve this problem because they are going to kill us. And I will leave on that. So we just have to just set up our own system and stop playing and get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem on the planet is white people. (emphasis Mike’s)

Nice, huh? But, of course, if white folks do not just sit back and take it, then WE would be called racists. Apparently it is ok for those in the black community to act in this manner. Now, there is a little more:

An official at N.C. State University claims that Dr. Kambon – once a visiting professor being paid by the taxpayers of North Carolina – is no longer affiliated with the university. But, if that is true, why is he still listed on the university’s Africana Studies faculty page? (emp mine)

After you visit that site, I bet you’ll have the same question. And, like me, I hope you’ll write the Africana Studies Department ([email protected]) demanding an answer. And, while you’re at it, ask them why they hired a genocidal racist in the first place.

Sounds like a damn good idea. Also, contact the Raleigh News and Observer newsroom here.

AND, here is the address to contact the office of the UNC president, which would be, tada! Erskin Bowles, now.

Go for it.

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9 Responses to “Racist in Raleigh”

  1. Ogre says:

    I think you’re now a racist for pointing this out. 😉

  2. You know that is the way it goes. The way of the lib. Shoor the messenger, rather then analyze the issue.

  3. Wild Thing says:

    Thanks for the information and the links. I will write to all of them.
    Of course it is was in reverse the media would be all over it. sheesh! Thanks again

  4. Wild Thing says:

    Thank you for the links and your post about this. I will write to all of them.

  5. Wild Thing says:

    oh wow I just noticed my first post to you was ok. hahaha I live in Florida and our electricity keeps going out.

  6. That’s OK, Wild Thing. It happens. Typepad goes a little wonky now and then.

  7. Suzie says:

    I had hoped that media would spend a bit more time on this. I saw an article in the News and Observer about it, but not a whole lot on the web. You’re so right that had it been reversed, the media would have been all over it.

  8. eric says:

    You conservatives are so full of B.S., Bill Bennett wanted to exterminate all Black Children in this country and you defend him, calling black people wimps who can’t take intellectual critiques. But Dr. Kamau Kambon wants to do the same your race and now I hear all the “bitching and whining” from you neocons. You can dish out racial punishment (Limbaugh,Boortz, Grant, Hamblin, Elder, Horowitz) but you can’t take it when a black man who hates you just as much 9and wants your total extermination from mother earth)does it back to you. Kinda reminds me of 9-11 when the arabs paid whites back for 50 years of racism and politcal expolitation of their land you people went nuts give me a break. As a black man in america, I would rather be feared by your race than liked. Unlike many African – Americans who beg for WHITE AMERICA’S acceptance based on black guilt and hopes for phony brotherhood.

  9. #1, how do you know I am white?

    #2. Bennet’s remarks were taken out of context and were not released in full. Go find the audio and listen to the whole thing. If he had said what he was reported to have said for real, I would be on your side on this. However, you are folling the demaloon conspiracy, and, in this instance, are 100% wrong.

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