ACLU: What’s Your Sign?

THM’s Bacon Bits tagged me with this sorta meme, which, being anti-ACLU, is quite cool (though, I am usually just fine with doing most meme’s). David from Third World County started it off with this question:

“If you could hang a sign on the ACLU building to …draw attention to it, what would you put on your sign?”

So much naughtiness to choose from. Feeling too sick to photoshop, but, picture this on their window:

Communists R’ Us

Your Rights Are What We Tell You

OK, not the best, but, I have the Constitutional Right to be bad 🙂

Who to tag, who to tag?

Ogre is always up for a meme. I think he will like this one.

Beth and Co. should be able to come up with several.

Janette is always a good sport on meme’s.

I don’t think I have ever tagged A Lady’s Ruminations, so shall it be written, so shall it be done.

Nor have I ever tagged Merri, who has some cool new colors, too!

Get to that ACLU bashing!

Woops: Forgot a few things (told ya I was sick). Here’s what to do:

1) Write a cool sign;
2) Add your name and a link to the bottom of The Linkie List below (don’t remove names from the top);
3) Trackback either to the originating post or to the post of the post that tagged you (that would be this one);
4) Tag five more blog sacrificial lambs buddies to follow these instrux… that’s all!

The Linkie List (to add your blog name beneath):

Euphoric Reality
Third World County
TMH’s Bacon Bits

Pirate’s Cove

A Lady’s Ruminations and Merri’s Musings have theirs up.

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11 Responses to “ACLU: What’s Your Sign?”

  1. Vinnie says:

    Oh, you did NOT just tag Beth with a meme.

    Can I be one of your pallbearers?

  2. Woa. Um. Well, before you go, William, don’t forget to link to TMH’s Bacon Bits and Euphoric Reality . (Gotta get what we can while the gettin’s good.)

    Kit and I can sing and know some good durges, too. 😉

  3. An ACLU Meme

    So, Teach over at Pirate’s Cove tagged me for a meme that’s right up my alley: my, um, love for the ACLU. Here’s the sordid details:“If you could hang a sign on the ACLU building to …draw attention to it,

  4. An ACLU Meme

    So, Teach over at Pirate’s Cove tagged me for a meme that’s right up my alley: my, um, love for the ACLU. Here’s the sordid details:“If you could hang a sign on the ACLU building to …draw attention to it,

  5. Lady Jane says:

    Thanks! I’ve posted mine. 🙂

  6. David says:

    Good sign. Love the commie reference.

    And thanks, TMH, for plugging the link-whorage portion of the meme–heh. Ya made some good tags and deserve the credit, Kit came up with the question I turned into this quasi-meme thingy, so credit’s due there, too, eh?

    You crack the whip. I’ll just sit in my lil corner and wonder what I’ve dont to Cao and GM that they’ve not come out to play…


  7. woops. Forgot that stuff. Rectified.

  8. Janette says:

    You know, I’ve thought and thought about this and can’t come up with a single thing. I think my snark supply is running low. I’ll post it at my site and send people your way. Maybe someone else can do it justice.

  9. ACLU: Here’s Your Sign

    William Teach tagged me with a meme to create a new sign for the ACLU offices. My snark supply must be running low because I’ve thought about this for days and can’t come up with a thing. Maybe I just…

  10. ACLU: Here’s Your Sign

    William Teach tagged me with a meme to create a new sign for the ACLU offices. My snark supply must be running low because I’ve thought about this for days and can’t come up with a thing. Maybe I just…

  11. An ACLU Meme

    So, Teach over at Pirate’s Cove tagged me for a meme that’s right up my alley: my, um, love for the ACLU. Here’s the sordid details:“If you could hang a sign on the ACLU building to …draw attention to it,…

Pirate's Cove