Iraq Constitution Vote: Bah Humbug

Not me, though. Probably not for those who do not live in the "reality (snicker) based (snicker) community (close to commune, eh?)." But for the Progressives, especially the head moonbat, it is all gloom and doom. To start with a main excerpt for the NY Slimes article Armondo uses at the Daily Kosbat:

. . . The mood on the streets of many Iraqi cities, even in Shiite areas, appeared markedly less enthusiastic than they were on Jan. 30, when millions of Iraqis braved an onslaught of violence to cast ballots and celebrate in a vast outpouring of pro-democratic sentiment. On Saturday, streets were noticeably sparse of pedestrians, polling centers were less busy, and voters exhibited little overt enthusiasm.  (emphasis Armando’s)

You can see where he is going, right? Just another day in Iraq. He "doubts whether Iraqi’s have bought into the myth of the Purple Finger." Beyond the 4 paragraphs he excerpted, what he had to say was:

Yes the Constitution will win the vote. And then what? Will our troops come home now? Will the Iraqi government be able to govern? What is different now than yesterday?

It’s all about the gloom and doom with these folks. The very fact that Iraqi’s, including women, are able to vote is amazing. Voting a second time on a new Constitution is even more spectacular. Sure, it will possibly be amended as time goes on, probably within the next 10 years. The unreality based communes forget that we had a little thing called the Articles of Confederation, which preceded the current Constitution. AND, it sure as heck wasn’t ratified by popular vote.

Nothing can satisfy these lefties. We know they do not give a rat’s ass about the troops, except as propaganda fodder. When they do come home, the left will complain that we aren’t doing enough to stop terrorism outside the borders. And all will be saying the same thing, via their talking points emails.

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Linked to basil’s Saturday Picnic (probably with 4 trackbacks)

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5 Responses to “Iraq Constitution Vote: Bah Humbug”

  1. Nothing indeed can satisfy the lefties… except utter capitulation to all that is un-American, that is. Blame America First, rewrite history, deny reality. This is their mantra.

    I have a wee cheer for our troops, or at least some of our troops, here.

  2. The Iraqi Constitution Vote

    Seems like the liberal/left vision of a pure bloodbath on this day has turned out to be not so true huh? Fools.
    First the pictures of this great day:

    ABC news:
    Iraq’s deeply divided Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds voted in large …

  3. Cao says:

    The MSM doesn’t acknowledge progress, doesn’t tell some of the uplifting stories, and has sided with the EXTREMISTS of International ANSWER (front group for the World Worker’s Party) and CODE PINK (a bunch of MARXISTS).

    Holding onto perspective and our resolve is the most important thing we can do; and of course–counterdemonstrations, to the anti-war people lol…

    And when the MSM doesn’t cover that, we bloggers cover it…

  4. Cao says:

    And I originally meant to say–great post!

  5. I do not even like to watch the news other then on Fox, just do not want to deal with the America haters anymore. I am hoping Code Pinko will try having a rally here in Raleigh, just show up and laugh at them. They cannot get many members here, fortunately. Even with super lib Chapel Hill in the area.

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