I Reckon I Be Flabbergasted

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Hey, y’all, Jebediah here. FIrst off, a great "Duh" moment:

Couch potatoes may quickly accumulate a type of deep abdominal fat that contributes to diabetes and other metabolic problems — but regular exercise can prevent or even reverse the process, according to researchers.

Their study of overweight, sedentary adults found that those who started working out on treadmills and stationary bikes tended to lose, or at least not add to, their stores of visceral fat — fat that accumulates around the abdominal organs.

In contrast, their peers who remained sedentary showed a substantial gain in visceral fat over just 6 months, according to findings published in the October issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology.

What was your first clue, Einstein’s? And we spent how much on this study?

The cost of flatulence will be up this winter.

The (Energy) department said natural gas users can expect to pay an average of $350 more during the upcoming winter compared to last year, an increase of 48 percent.

Al doesn’t plan on running for President in 2008. Whew! There’s a load off my mind, I’ll tell ya. Though, it might be interesting to have someone who is truly insane in the White House, as his speech proved.

Anthropologist Uncover Ancient Jawa. Where’s Rusty when you need him?

Scientists say they have found more bones in an Indonesian cave that offer additional evidence of a second human species — short and hobbit-like — that roamed the Earth the same time as modern man.

Oops, guess it was a jawbone. My bad.

If y’all want some more good stuff, go see basil. Reckon he can keep you un’s entertained some more.

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2 Responses to “I Reckon I Be Flabbergasted”

  1. granny says:

    Is that adominable fat also known as a muffin top? 🙂

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