They’re Our Rascals

2nd post on Miers, but, having just spent a bit of time cruising the Right side, I see those who are chillin’ and those who are anywhere up to livid. Now, look, it’s just my 2 cents worth, but, come 2006 and 2008, does anyone actually think that GOPers will do one of the following three?

  1. Not vote?
  2. Vote for a Libertarian or other small Party?
  3. Vote for a Demaloon?

Not voting is the same as giving one’s vote to the Demorats. We have had 5 years of their insanity, their unhingedness, their "progressive madness." Is this the Party that we want in power? Hell NO!

What it comes down to is, no matter what Republicans are acting like in office, the Libaroids are worse. The GOPer’s in office are rascals, but, at least they are our rascals. Ask yourself, do you want a John Kerry or Charles Schumer in office as President? Do you want more Babs Boxer’s and Charlie Rangals in Congress? How about some more Ginsberg’s on the courts, or the Court?

Not all choices are great ones. But, hey, welcome to Politics 101, where we often have a choice of voting for Terrier poo or Great Dane poo.

So, again, just chill, wait for the hearings.

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One Response to “They’re Our Rascals”

  1. Sam says:

    Exactly, calm down people, just a little bit. I decided to see the humour in it and posted a list of judges I’d like to see nominated.

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