Look, Rednecks! Part II

I do believe that the original post needs a little follow up.

First of all, yes, alot of what White Trash Wednesday is about revolves around the Liberals constantly denigrating Southerners. Also, it is fun for those of us who do it. But, there is some truth in the posting. Now, many of the commenter’s who were attempting to rip my good buddy Jedediah were not privy to what WTW is about. That’s ok, they are more then welcome to disagree with Jeb.

Now, there responses tell me that they are either regular, good Joe Dems, the type we rarely hear from (like we rarely hear from Muslims who are good people, rather then the extremists), or, they are just pissed off because the post hit too close to home. Either way, when it comes down to 3-2, down 1, 2 outs, bottom of the 9th, with a man in scoring position, who we tend to hear from are the extremist Dems, those who frequent the DU, Daily Kosbat, MoveOn, etc. The Kerry/Conyers/Durbin/Kennedy/Pelosi crew. The Code Pinks and Susan Estritch types. There are certainly some great Liberals out there, like Anonymoses, JulieB, Jesse at LOSLI, who, I might not agree with on most issues, but are great, literate, normal folks, who I wouldn’t project the words of that post on too.

But, let’s face it. The good folks do not get face time. They aren’t on TV or radio, nor in the papers. The big bloggers tend to ignore them because they are normal. Kosbat wants to destroy the centrist DLC. Zell Miller is denigrated because he doesn’t want his party to be completely wacko. If there are normal, old style (JFK and RFK type) Dems in Congress, they are unknowns. We on the Right would disagree with what they stand for, but we can converse with them. But we see the true moonbats most of the time. The unhinged, the conspiracy nuts, the America haters. Saying you are against everything America stands for is not loving your country. Flying the Flag upside down, even as an avatar, is not patriotic. Nor is protesting soldiers. Calling for, basically, surrender is not patriotic. And the sad part is if they had just kept their yaps shut and shown a united front, we would probably have things under control, instead of the enemy using the Lefts rhetoric as a wedge.

Had Gore won in 2000, and decided to go after Hussein, I will bet my bottom dollar that the Right would have supported him. We knew what needed to be done. I do not subscribe to the "thank God Gore wasn’t President on 9/11" meme. Why? Because he wasn’t, so we will never know what he might, or might not, have done. Maybe he would have nuked Afghanistan. Considering how unhinged he became in 2004, it’s a possibility. It’s an exercise in speculation, that may, or may not, be fair to Al.

And, just for reference, the South bashing remarks? Peruse the DU, they are all over it. Let’s start with this one, courtesy of Confederate Yankee:

Ignore him Cindy, But she would rip him up, I saw him on MSNBC, he’s a typical southern dumbass. I am truly sorry he lost his son to Bush’s war of greed and corruption.

Sorry, I am not going to troll the DU for more, I have seen enough in the past. Same at Kosbat, America Blog, Oliver Willis, etc. Howard Dean has made disparaging remarks about the South.

So, if y’all were truly offended, believing that that is not what your Party is about, then maybe you should take it back from the wackos that have it in their grasp. Remember the MoveOn comment "It’s our party. We bought it." If you were pissed off because I hit the mark? Too fucking bad.

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4 Responses to “Look, Rednecks! Part II”

  1. basil's blog says:

    Breakfast: 8/26/2005

    Try one of these specials with your breakfast: The Florida Masochist got some bad news and asks for prayers. Dadmanly looks at OpSec and blogging. Part-Time Pundit sees more AP bias. Tisha Sharp lists all that is wrong with John

  2. Ogre says:

    Well said, very well said.

  3. TJ says:

    But seriously, and all kidding aside, thank God Gore wasn’t President on 9/11.


  4. Thanks, Ogre. I just have kinda had enough of the hystericalites from the left.

    TJ, you are probably right. I seriously could see him going wonky and throwing some nukes around.

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