Air Deadbeat-No Times

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The Air Deadbeat saga continues, and the "Paper of Record" still hasn’t shown up at the party. But they do have a pithy op-ed suggesting that tipping be done away with, and replaced with a service charge, just like in Europe. Aaaaaaaaaaaa, BULLSHIT. Tips are based on service. If you ignore me, if the food is not good, or you are not real nice, your tip will reflect that. Read the article. It is a hoot.

Back to Air Deadbeat, seems as if Al "ha ha" Franken went off the reservation in calling Evan Cohen a crook Monday for his 6 listeners (via Newsmax):

"Here’s the deal," the Air America host said. "The first guy who was chairman of the board of Air America – Evan Cohen – was a crook, it turns out. I mean, I guess that’s the only way to put it."

Explaining Cohen’s role in ripping off the kids’ club, Franken suddenly turned giddy.

"He borrowed $875,000," he said, erupting in laughter. "I don’t know why they did it and I don’t know where the money went."

Franken said he "imagines" that the funds earmarked for childrens’ programs were instead "used for operations" at Air America, which was strapped for cash at the time.

Is this the Air Deadbeat talking point? Will they now try and put the blame soley on Cohen, to divorce culpability from Air America as an entity?

Billboard Magazine has jumped in a bit, putting out the facts. The rest of the MSM? Still silent.

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