Grey Lady and the Adoption Records

In case you missed it, Michelle Malkin was on Fox and Friends this AM, paired with Democratic strategist Bob Beckel (does CNN, cBS, ABC, et all pair opposing political views?) regarding the New York Times investigating the adoption process of John Roberts children. (Michelle has more on her blog)

As Bob said, he was going to make it short, since he saw it as despicable. Glad to see one Democratic big wig has his brain here on earth.

There are lots of kids who need to be adopted. Even if the Roberts’ pulled some fast ones to do it, they should be thanked and celebrated for giving those kids a home. Adoption is a very difficult process, as one of my favorite bloggers has said (I do not know where that stands, so I shan’t mention who).

And, BTW, I was adopted.

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2 Responses to “Grey Lady and the Adoption Records”

  1. basil's blog says:

    Lunch: 8/5/2005

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  2. Moe's Woes says:

    A Twofer For Ya

    For some reason, I missed seeing Michelle Malkin on Fox and Friends this morning, even though I was awake the entire time and had Fox News on. Go figure. It also kinda didn’t help that for the first time I can recall, she didn’t mention it on her blo…

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