Not White Trash, Unless He Wants To Be

So, I’m a readin John Gibson’s book, Hating America: The New World Sport. Rather interesting. Gibson includes a quote from Tony Blair, that really struck a chord:

"But, the price of influence is that we do not leave the U.S. to face the tricky issues alone. By tricky, I mean the ones which people wish weren’t there, don’t want to deal with, and, if I can put it a little pejoratively, know the U.S. should confront, but want the luxury of criticising them for it."

That was from a speech Blair made on January 7, 2003, to a gathering of Britian’s ambassadors.

Gibson made this comment: In two quick sentances, Tony Blair expressed precisely the position in which the United States found itself, in the new anti-America world.

That is the position that so many on the Left know, in their heart of hearts, that we are in. They knew damn well, and still know, that Iraq without Saddam is much better off then Iraq with Saddam. Those on the Left refuse to discuss the torture, rape, brutality, murder, etc, that occured under Saddam, because they know that, to discuss it is to legitimize it, thereby defeating all arguments regarding our actions in Iraq. And they cannot allow that to happen. It would cut in to their Bush bashing, and take away much of their supposed amunition to use in said Bush bashing. Which leads to America bashing. Of course, so many on the left call themselves "Patriot’s" now, while throwing America under the bus.

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