Vick Is Kidding, Right?

I have no sympathy for him. Do you?

Shortly after he entered his guilty plea, Vick apologized "for all the things that I’ve done and that I’ve allowed to happen."

In addition to making apologies to Atlanta Falcons teammates, his coach and the National Football League, Vick also said he was sorry "to all the young kids out there for my immature acts."

He said that he was "disappointed in myself" and that "dogfighting is a terrible thing and I … reject it."

Talk to the hand, liar. If all that was the case, you wouldn’t have done it in the first place. Not like you did it one time by accident.

"Through this situation I’ve found Jesus," he added. He vowed to redeem himself, saying, "I have to."

To misquote Full Metal Jacket "God was here before the federal penitentiary system! So you can give your heart to Jesus, but your ass belongs to the jail! Do you ladies understand?"

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2 Responses to “Vick Is Kidding, Right?”

  1. Stacy says:

    Even Jesus is taking His own name in vain over that BS. He “repentive” because he got caught. Duh. This is the same guy who tried to sneak weed onto an airplane in a plastic water bottle for heaven’s sake.

    Saw a thing on Real Sports about this dog-fighting thing. I had to leave the room, and I’m not really a dog lover.

  2. I’d forgotten about the water bottle incident.

    And, you are aboslutely correct: he is repentive cause he got caught and is looking at jail time, with a seriously hardassed judge who make the determination of length.

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