Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! A gorgeous day in America. The birds are singing, spring is in the air, Warmists are taking unnecessary fossil fueled trips. This pinup is by I’m Not Sure, with a wee bit of help. Reverse search isn’t giving me the right name.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Legal Insurrection notes a Sharia law advocate giving a commencement address
  2. The First Street Journal discusses moral equivalency and what you shouldn’t do
  3. Raised On Hoecakes notes the VA and DOJ having nothing better to do
  4. NoTricksZone covers the hiatus being real, per science
  5. Jo Nova notes what the March for Science is attempting to accomplish
  6. America’s Watchtower covers an executive order that slipped under the radar
  7. Basil’s Blog notes the loss of one of the most powerful early bloggers, who will be dearly missed
  8. Bizzy Blog covers who’s to blame for the Venezuelan riots, per Rachel Maddow
  9. Creeping Sharia notes Australia getting tough on Islamist immigrants
  10. DaTechGuy discusses triggering frog haters
  11. Flopping Aces has a suggestion for the next SCOTUS vacancy
  12. Gay Patriot notes leftists attacking a highly qualified black woman
  13. The Geller Report covers an MSNBC guest calling for ISIS to bomb Trump property
  14. Jihad Watch discusses more insane “blame ourselves” in the fight against Islamism
  15. And last, but not least, Michelle Malkin (Doug Powers) notes Bill Nye being upset that he had to defend his beliefs

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. (BTW, since someone asked, the reason I leave links for the previous week up (or you might see a *) is because they are place holders for later in the day or for next weeks. Easier than rewriting all the time. Also, the listing order has to do with how they are added over time, not how good a post is. I just copy and paste from the previous week, then edit. If you see one of the *’s, go ahead and check out the blog anyhow, see if there is an update. I cannot update with my Android during the day.

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6 Responses to “Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup”

  1. GOODSTUFF says:

    Dude, thanks for linky stuff


    Holy hot tamale! This thermogenic meta blog post is severing up some Spice Girls with a side order of science!

  2. Mr Bruce says:

    Artist seems to be Angel Martin.

  3. […] once again to The Other McCain and Pirate’s Cove for the Rule Five […]

  4. Dana says:

    Somehow, I’m guessing that that space suit might have problems maintaining temperature and pressure for the astronaut!

  5. […] 2.0: Better Living Through Chemistry The Pirate’s Cove A View From The Beach […]

Pirate's Cove